Emily Dahl, Staff Writer
- Favorite Food: Pasta of any kind
- Favorite Book/Magazine: Infinite Home by Kathleen Alcott
- Dream Job: Photographer for National Geographic
- Favorite Movie: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Currently Watching: Bob’s Burgers
- Music of Choice: Anything and everything
- This year I look forward to: Graduating and being able to focus on growing my business!
Emily Dahl is a senior Communications major with a Journalism emphasis and a Marketing minor who has been a member of SE Student Media since Fall 2018. She has served as writer, photographer, social media manager, news editor and now serves as managing editor. When not working on The Southeastern, Emily enjoys reading, thrifting, working on her photography business and of course, being a plant/cat/dog mom. This year, she looks forward to graduating and being able to focus on her photography business. Follow her on Twitter: @emareeeee and Instagram: @emareeeeee or @emilydahl.jpg!