Sororities transition to continuous recruitment
Focusing on intimate connections
Bid Day at Southeastern Oklahoma State University in Fall 2019.
September 5, 2020
Due to COVID-19 policies established at Southeastern Oklahoma State University and through the National Panhellenic Conference, SE sororities will not hold traditional bid day activities on campus.
Mitchell Emberson, Director of Student Activities, worked with their Panhellenic Chapter President and Vice President to see what recruitment method suits SE best. “We switched to what is called continuous recruitment,” Emberson revealed, “each chapter will recruit on a one-on-one basis until they fill all their spaces.”
What does continuous recruitment look like? Caitlyn Tynes, President of Alpha Sigma Tau, envisions “reaching out to any girls who have contacted them and going on socially distanced picnics on the front lawn.” Anna Antuono, President of Tri Sigma, says they will be “focusing on making intimate connections with the girls.” This connection-making involves returning members seeking out new recruits and inviting them to one-on-one coffee or dinner dates.
With so few events happening on campus, SE’s sororities believe they have an advantage. They can serve as a plug-in to a group of friends that these girls would have otherwise been oblivious to before.
If you are interested in registering for sorority recruitment, have your information sent directly to the chapters by visiting