by Jerreck McWilliams
Staff writer
For the second year in a row the SE Student Government Association’s Student Senate is having a competitive election. With a total of 17 candidates, the Senate could very likely fill all of its seats, a feat that has not been accomplished in several years.
“It’s great news because the Student Senate takes on a lot of ambitious project throughout the year,” said Matt Sitton, SGA president. “Having a full senate gives us the manpower to make those projects more realistic. Also we have candidates from organizations that have not ran in a few years, which means more diversity in Senate this year.”
The possibility of a large Senate is especially welcome this year as both the Safety and Beautification Committee and the Civic Engagement and Publicity Committee get ready to tackle difficult projects for the 2011-12 school year.
Safety and Beautification is currently drawing up plans to further improve the gazebo behind North Hall, as well as identifying locations around campus with insufficient lighting. The committee meets at 5 p.m. every Wednesday in the Frost Chambers (SU 315).
While Civic Engagement and Publicity is focusing mostly on elections at the moment, future projects for this semester include:
- Recycling old textbooks from the textbook reserve program by donating them to other schools in southeastern Oklahoma.
- Purchasing and distributing mini-Constitutions to SE students.
- Setting-up an iVoter Registration system to allow SE students to participate in state and local elections electronically.
- Preparing publicity for Southeastern’s Homecoming, which will take place Oct. 11-14.
The Civic Engagement and Publicity Committee meets Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the Frost Chambers.
Student Senate meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. in the Frost Chambers. Sitton said that all SGA meetings are open meetings, so he encourages SE students to attend and provide their input.
“This much interest in SGA is great,” said Sitton. “I hope it’s because students have seen our activities and want to step in and help the university.”

Staff photo by Samantha Perera