Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day with civil service
Dylan Candelora, Tay Pruitt and Jay Carr help remove trash from the J127 building on Jan. 21, 2019. Though volunteer activities may be different this year, their impact is not lessened.
January 15, 2021
On Monday, Jan. 18, students at Southeastern Oklahoma State University will have several opportunities to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through community service on campus and virtually.
On campus, students may volunteer to prepare thank you packages for healthcare workers and teachers. Students can also help with outdoor projects in the local area, including painting the SE Equestrian Center and Mud Pit bleachers, or with various projects on Main Street.
Volunteer time slots are scheduled in two-hour shifts, and those interested can sign up via the MLK Day email sent to students on Monday, Jan. 11 or at signupgenius.com/go/70a0445a4ac29a7fe3-mlkday.

A Zoom program will be hosted at 11 a.m. by SE student leaders. The program will last about thirty minutes and feature speakers discussing the significance of the holiday and the legacy of Dr. King. President Thomas Newsom will speak regarding the importance of service to others. The link to join the meeting is also available in the MLK Day email or can be joined at se-edu.zoom.us/j/94370968355.
Off campus, students can offer their own acts of service year-round, including picking up trash, donating to charities or volunteering for local non-profits. Durant is home to dozens of non-profit organizations, with many opportunities to volunteer.
As Dr. King once said, “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.” Honor his legacy by giving back to the community and making it a day on, not a day off.