What’s the deal with parking on campus?

Sam, Contributing Writer

Why is the parking so limited around here? Why don’t they allow students to park behind Russell when this is the first semester since the 1940’s that SE has had full enrollment?

Ah, my love for campus parking grows stronger and stronger every single day. What also continues to grow every day it seems like, is enrollment here at SE. We simply can’t keep up. This is a good problem to have, but as mentioned, it causes not so good problems as well.

As far as parking behind Russell, it’s paid parking for faculty. Even if we could park there, there would still be a parking issue so let’s rule that out. There’s no “fix all” answer for this. My advice to you would be to bring any ideas you have for campus parking to your SGA senators. My second piece of advice would be to figure out who our SGA senators are.

(Editor’s note: The SGA office is located in the Student Union on the 3rd floor (SU 316))