Student Health Services provides special services for students impacted by disaster


By Staff Sgt. Daniel Martinez

Hurricane Harvey caused devastation in South Texas, flooding many homes. Southeastern is providing services for any students that need help coping with this devastation. Courtesy photo of SC National Guard.

Lawrence Carter, Staff Writer

Hurricane Harvey may rank as one of the nation’s costliest natural disasters, according to the New York Times. Economists say that the region is likely to recover quickly and may even experience a bump in growth during its rebuilding. Individuals from Houston have talked about their flooded homes, about being trapped inside, and about how they have felt during their experience from this storm.

Here at Southeastern, the Office of Student Life worked with our students to collect donations to aid those impacted by collecting diapers, wipes, bottled drinking water and money. This type of action has been nationwide with donations of goods, time and services to help those affected by Harvey.

Some people have been dealing with grief or anxiety and stress because of what has happened in Houston. In times of instant information, events like this can feel overwhelming.

Debra Fulenchek is an L.P.C. in Student Health Services; she helps students with any mental health issues during their time on campus. Fulenchek said that a program is set to begin Monday, Sept. 11 for students impacted by the storms. The group meets Monday’s from 2-3:30 p.m. in SU229.

Fulenchek said, “We understand the distress that natural disasters can cause and we are here to help you navigate through difficult situations and heal.” Ultimately the goal is to assist the community in coping with what is happening in the world. These resources are provided to students for free through their yearly fees.