By Bret Moss
Contributing Writer
With Homecoming behind them, the students of the Student Government Association (SGA) are satisfied with the results of that week’s events. From Minute-To-Win-It and a very interesting talent show, to Human Checkers and a life-sized game of Clue, the SGA’s version of Homecoming was a hit with the student body.
Though Homecoming has caught most of the public’s attention, there are plenty of other activities SGA has been planning.
In the Oct. 1 meeting, Senator Cody Chapman presented a bill he authored, proposing that SE SGA submit a bid to host Spring Congress of the Oklahoma Student Government Association.
OSGA is held twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall – and it is a collection of the student governments throughout the state. All the Student Government Associations in Oklahoma can come and discuss business germane to all Oklahoma universities.
“It would bring a certain amount of prestige to the school,” said Chapman.
Most meetings of OSGA are hosted at larger universities such as Oklahoma State, and the SE SGA would like to play on the same plane as the bigger institutions, said Chapman.
The possible dates for the spring meeting of OSGA are between March 15 and April 17 of 2011.Those dates contain the already scheduled annual event Springfest.
Senator Matt Sitton voiced his concern for undertaking the project of hosting such a large event around the same time as Springfest.
“Springfest is demanding,” said Sitton. “Do you think we can do that and host this event?”
Senators Jerreck McWilliams and Heather Hartline assured Sitton that it could be done due to the fact that they have much of the “Springfest” planning completed.
Following this discussion, SGA approved Chapman’s bill with a roll call vote and will submit a bid to host Spring Congress of OSGA.
SGA attended a seminar to improve their leadership skills on Oct. 19 at the American Airlines Center in Dallas.
The event featured advice and encouraging words from notable people such as Terry Bradshaw, Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Zig Zigler and Colin Powell.
“This is an incredible opportunity for all of us,” said Senator Ross Thomas, adding that the seminar is an inexpensive and educational way for the senators to develop their skills.
The SGA also participated in President Larry Minks’ Investiture, which was conducted on Oct. 27 at 2 p.m. in Montgomery Auditorium.
The Investiture is the ceremony in which the president is welcomed to his office within the university. Many important figures in the field of Oklahoma higher education were in attendance. “It is interesting to watch,” said President Matt Heggy.
Following the Investiture, on Oct. 29, “Coffee with the President” will be hosted in the Barnes and Noble Bookstore from 1-3 p.m.
This event will give all students a chance to come and meet with Minks informally. The first 50 students will also receive a free coffee mug with their visit.
The SGA committees have been working on their individual duties as well during this fall semester. Thomas voiced the actions of the Safety and Beautification Committee, saying “we have a lot of projects in the works.”
One of those is the improvements on the fountain on the front lawn. “We have to wait and get with alumni,” said Thomas. It is the university’s hope that alumni will step in and help out on the issue.
The Civic Engagement and Publicity Committee has also been busy planning a “Free Speech Wall.” This will a public forum located in the Glen D. Johnson Student Union that will allow students to voice their opinions on a controversial issue.
The issue will be “Should smoking be banned on public campus’s?” The Free Speech Wall will provide an outlet for student to display opinions in a manageable and sensible way. The wall will be available within the next two weeks.
Photo by Brandi Bunch