by Kendra Germany
Staff writer
Illegal Benefits defeated the Step Dads and took home the Southeastern Intramurals flag football championship title on Nov. 1.
The 2011 flag football season started on Sept. 20 with 11 teams competing each week until only two teams were left standing on Nov. 1.
Illegal Benefits team members include: Nick Growall, Timmy Harden, Dylan Henson, Marcus High, Darius Johnson, Joshua McClennahan, Chance Roberts, Kevin Roberts, Joao Rizzardo, Micah Tennison and Caleb Wagner.
Step Dads members include: Benny Lindamood, Ethan Cox, Dominic Jones, Tanner Strawn, Drew Mitchell, Taylor Matlock, Tyler Fields, Matt Jones, Patrick Nelson, Josh Garner and Shawn Kirkland.
Both teams scored early in the game and kept the score close throughout the game.
But in the end it was Illegal Benefits who took home the 2011 championship title and the bragging rights that go with it, with a score of 33 -31.
Flag football isn’t the only sport Southeastern Intramurals offer for students. According to the Wellness Center’s website, basketball, volleyball and ultimate Frisbee are played as well.
The 2011 intramurals volleyball season will begin within the next few weeks. Packets were due on Nov. 8. There will be a captains meeting in the Student Union Gym at 5:30 p.m. on Nov. 11.
For more information about any intramural sports visit the Wellness Center located in the Glen D. Johnson Student Union on the first floor or call 745-3032.