by Dani Norton
Staff writer
Durant Middle School will team up with various Southeastern organizations for the Presidential Partners Bowling Event. It will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 30 at the Durant Bowling Alley from 3:30-5:30 p.m. for underprivileged middle school students from the area.
They will join students from Southeastern for an evening of friendly competition and snacks to give groups on campus a chance to interact closely with the community by bowling with the children and donating money. The event is sponsored by the Office of Student Life, and coordinator Liz Howard encourages organizations to participate.
“The Office of Student Life provides the bowling, the food and the kids. All that we ask is for organizations to support at least one student,” she said. Each organization donates a gift card to the event, and every child goes home with money.
Greek organizations are among those participating in the event, including Alpha Sigma Tau. Who said they will donate a $25 gift card and send some of their members out to bowl with the children. Brianne Duke has participated in the past, and she said that, for those involved, this event is close to their hearts.
“We love doing it. Spending time with and helping out underprivileged children is rewarding enough in itself, but it’s even more touching because these kids usually don’t even spend the money on themselves. They’ll use it for their siblings,” Duke said.
Middle school students are often curious about college life, Howard said, and this event will give them the opportunity to interact with college students on a personal, fun level. The interaction will hopefully inspire the children to begin thinking about their own collegiate futures.
“It is important for our student organizations to get involved with the community, especially our middle school kids. Southeastern students serve as a mentor and usually a role model for them,” Howard said.
Howard said that this event will provide an excellent opportunity for Southeastern students to go out into the public and represent their organizations.
If your student organization is interested in participating in the Presidential Partners Bowling Event, you may
contact Howard at 745-3197.