Southeastern to host First Generation Celebration
To register for the First Generation Celebration, scan this QR code.
November 1, 2021
Southeastern Oklahoma State University is hosting a First Generation Celebration and Luncheon to celebrate and recognize first-generation college students. Sponsored by Project TEACH and Student Support Services, this event will be held on Nov. 2 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Hallie McKinney Ballroom A.
Darla Ellett, the Director of Student Support Services and Project TEACH, stated, “There was a big push by the Council for Opportunity in Education (COE) out of Washington D.C. to do first generation celebrations and they have offered grants to help fund the opportunity.”
The event will include a catered lunch from Roma Italian Restaurant, prize drawings and first-generation alumni as guest speakers.
Bethany Rucker, Academic Counselor Project Coordinator, said that gift bags and t-shirts will be given to the first 50 students who register.
Due to COVID-19, they are expecting a smaller crowd of around 50, but still plan to have a safe event if more register.
First-Generation Celebration Day is a nationwide day to honor the anniversary of the signing of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and celebrate the success of first-generation students.
The Center for First-Generation Student Success encourages universities to use this day to “encourage communities to better understand the systemic barriers plaguing higher education and the supports necessary for this important and resilient population to continue thriving.”