Take care of your body and your grades will thank you
Set daily goals to keep yourself motivated and healthy. A simple three-part check list can make a mountain of difference.
December 10, 2020
As finals week wraps up, students may find themselves neglecting their basic needs. Getting enough sleep, eating regularly, and exercising are important to a student’s overall health and well-being.
College students balance class, homework, jobs, side hustles and a social life. This often leaves little time for sleep, but it should be a priority. It has been found that there is a relationship between sleep deprivation and a student’s grade point average. Sleepiness can lead to less retention of information, poor academic performance and make life more difficult overall.
The recommended amount of nightly sleep is seven to nine hours. Getting enough sleep is worth it, even if Netflix has to be turned off earlier than usual.
Another neglected aspect of health is diet. Students choose not to eat for a variety of reasons. Some may be weight conscious, nutrition conscious or feel that they don’t have time to eat. Similar to sleeping, not eating has been linked to poor academic performance.
According to Wilder.org, eating breakfast will help mental well-being and improve mood. A full student can focus instead of thinking about hunger. Eating something is better than nothing, even if it is just a candy bar. Healthier convenient options are fruit, granola bars, or nuts. Each of these foods can be transported and eaten on the go.
Sitting at a desk all day can make it difficult to stay in shape. Adults should walk at least 10,000 steps every day, but this can be done without too much time or energy. Students can walk to class instead of driving and take a 15-minute walking break for every hour of homework.
On the Southeastern campus, students can around the Schuler Loop or visit the indoor track on the second floor of the student union.
College will end eventually, but health will always be important. A healthy life now will contribute to a healthy life later. Do not feel guilty for prioritizing your well-being.