SE alumni returns to demonstrate skills for graduate program
Lecture on 3D canvasing
By Jerai Billy
SE alumni, Matthew Freeman, returned to lecture students on the process of creating 3D design and construction.
September 17, 2018
Southeastern alumni, Matthew Freeman, performed a lecture over 3D canvas construction on Sept 11 in the visual arts building. Freeman graduated in 2012 with a bachelor’s degree in studio arts.
He was not always an art major, though he started off in economics, but after not being able to find a job, he decided to try his hand at something he enjoyed. “Be a sponge,” he said, “soaking all the new and different ways of creating art with an open mind.”
Dr. Adams allowed Freeman to use her painting class to showcase some of his work and to offer some advice in creating artwork like his.

“I never wanted to create the same thing twice, and working with the different canvases allows me to change up what I am working on,” Freeman said.
Freeman’s lecture went towards his ten-hour graduate requirement for the Savanna Art Institute in Georgia.
During his lecture, Freeman offered a few things to think about when creating. He asked the question of “Why 3D canvas?’ Freeman answered, “ I never wanted to create the same thing twice, and working with the different canvases allows me to change up what I am working on.”
Bailey Smith, senior graphic design major, said, “ I think the idea of working with a non traditional canvas is interesting, If I decide to advance more in the painting aspect of art I think I would try it out. “
Freeman said, “Know your material, ask yourself will this hold up in 5 to 10 years, will you make someone angry after spending money on your painting?”
3D canvas construction can vary in sizes; Freeman has created large pieces of artwork, some 6ft and weighs 200 pounds.