105th Annual Oklahoma Inter-high school Curriculum Meet
Savage Storm Leaders pose after a long day of interacting with close to 1,500 high school students.
April 9, 2018
The 105th annual Oklahoma Inter-high school curriculum contest was held on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at Southeastern Oklahoma State University.
The curriculum contest is an event that takes place every spring on the Southeastern campus. Highschool students from the twelve in the southeastern district bring their top students to compete in various contest.
These contest include, Art, Business, Communication, Computer Science, Psychology, English, Math, Modern Language, Music, Occupational Health and Safety and social sciences.
James Britton, Curriculum Contest coordinator said, “the curriculum contest is about opportunities, it gives opportunities to high school students to compete with each other but it also an opportunity for southeastern to recruit students.”
Student Life staff were in charge of keeping the energy up during the event.
Several of Southeastern’s students had booths to fundraise for their organizations. Every organization had a different setup in the front of the student union.
Britton stated, “ I enjoy organizing this event because it is a service for the university and the highschools. I think everyone that gets involved has a good time. it is a lot of effort, It occurs over a six month period even though the event is only one day. There are a whole lot of people doing extra things to make this event successful and I have been doing this for the past nine years.”
There are several benefits from the curriculum contest for high school students, like scholarships and seniors could apply and enroll into southeastern.
Student Life, helped organize this event and encourage many high school and southeastern students to join and dance.
The curriculum contest was a fun and lively event, It was “awesome and a great way to get students involved, “said Mitchell Emberson, Student life coordinator.