Students “Take Back the Night” in domestic violence awareness march
October 6, 2016
Deborah Fulencheck has put on the “Take Back the Night” march at Southeastern for four years now, and has always had a great turn out with more and more people joining the walk every year. This event is nationwide taking place every first Monday in October.

Students hold Southeastern’s “Take Back the Night” sign on October 3 in front of Paul Laird Field.
Here at Southeastern there are many ways to get help with domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. SOSU offers a support group, that meets every Thursday at 5:30pm-7:00pm located in Morrison suite 317, room 315. This support group is opened to all in the community and you can reach sponsors at (580)-924-8280 x 2929.
Another option is Project Safe, which is a program designed to address the specific needs of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking victims on college campuses and institutes in the ten and a half counties of the Choctaw Nation in Southeastern Oklahoma. Contact Project Safe at 1-(800)-522-6170.

Faculty, staff and students begin their march for domestic violence awareness.