Pokemon Go at Southeastern
By J.D. Anteau
Dylan Cook plays Pokemon Go at the Massey building Pokestop.
September 6, 2016
Pokemon Go is a virtual game where players travel in the real world to capture Pokemon on their phone by using their GPS location services to track where they are.
In the game, there are Pokestops which provide the players with free items that, after about five minutes, replenish. Here at Southeastern there are about seven different Pokestops scattered around campus that only players can see in the game. The two most popular Pokestops are located by the Massey building.
While on campus playing Pokemon Go you see students who play the game and take advantage of the Pokestops on campus and in Durant.
Thomas Olive, a Senior at SOSU said, “Pokemon go has altered my life positively by making Durant more open and inviting. Usually I felt as though the the court house and main street were for only appealing tickets and buying trinkets that I could probably get from Walmart for a cheaper price. Now that there are Pokestops at those locations I actually go there. I never actually knew there was a confederate monument in Durant until I started playing Pokemon Go. Probably the biggest changes in my life are that I am walking more. I now walk approximately 10km a week and that is 10 more kilometers than I usually would have walked.”
Pokemon Go has not only helped people get more exercise and explore but it has also helped others to make new friends as well. John Hurley, a sophomore Aviation student at Southeastern said, “Pokemon Go has made me not want to stay home and just sit there. It has helped me to get outside and make new friends and go places and take me out of my comfort zones.”
Pokemon Go has been extremely influential to many students and other people that play the game to not only get exercise and be more active but also to socialize with others and make new friends and help the community be brought together.