Southeastern aviation program obtains new simulator for students
By University Communications –
The new Flightdeck Solutions 737 MAX Flight Training device.
December 7, 2021
The aviation program at Southeastern Oklahoma State University recently purchased a new Flightdeck Solutions 737 MAX Flight Training device.
This piece of technology is meant to teach aviation students how to operate an airliner called the Boeing 737 MAX. By using this device, students will obtain enhanced instruction in airliner-centric advanced system operations, advanced aerodynamics, flight management system programming and how to function as a crew in any airline environment.
Aviation Sciences Director Michael Gaffney stated, “It is vital for our students to follow an evolving cockpit training strategy starting with simple aircraft instrumentation and avionics.”
Gaffney added that the device allows students to gradually become more complex in their skills in preparation for the environment they will operate in as pilots.
The realistic and simulative features that come with this device also simulate the environment of any airport in North America, and any kind of weather condition or equipment malfunction.
“The simulation component helps us create realistic cockpit environments that we would otherwise be unable to achieve,” said Gaffney.
The aviation program has had their eye on the simulator since October 2019 when Gaffney himself operated it at the University Aviation Association National Conference in Memphis, Tenn.
Since then, the program has worked to create all cost justification models to obtain approval for this purchase.

“This device will be funded through a state equipment bond issue which is ideal because it gives us a longer break-even time frame, thus lowering the cost per hour to the students,” he said.
According to the Southeastern website, the simulator is expected to arrive in May 2022 and be fully functional in June. Crew training is scheduled to begin the following August.